CREST Postdoctoral Fellow
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My research spans various topics in microeconomics, including applied/experimental and theoretical economics, game theory, and the intersection of economics and computer science.

I am enthusiastic about developing solutions for real world problems, for example mechanisms in healthcare with a focus on distributional and fairness concerns. In recent work, we developed a pooled testing mechanism for infectious diseases, whereby samples are prioritised to maximise overall expected welfare of the population of individuals. I'm also interested in fairness aspects in auctions and distributional preferences in markets more generally, with applications in finance, government licensing (e.g. spectrum, transport, or natural resources), or electricity markets.

To study these problems, I apply tools from mechanism design and optimisation, as well as experimental economics. In much of my work, I aim to apply and evaluate the mechanism and algorithms we develop either in the lab or in the field.

I am currently a postdoctoral fellow at CREST-ENSAE in the group FairPlay hosted by Patrick Loiseau and Bary Pradelski. I received my PhD in Economics from the University of Oxford, Nuffield College, where I was advised by Paul Klemperer.