Macroeconomic nowcasting with internet search data
We are delighted to present the project of Anna Simoni, Hi! PARIS Fellow 2021
"When are Google Data Useful to Nowcast GDP? An Approach via Preselection and Shrinkage"
Paper co-written by Anna Simoni and Laurent Ferrara in the Journal of Business & Economic Statistics
"Researchers are using Google to forecast economic activity"
An interview with Anna Simoni in Polytechnique Insights –
Workshop on “Advances in alternative data and machine learning for macroeconomics and finance” - September 9, 2022
Organizers : Anna Simoni (CREST, ENSAE), Laurent Ferrara (SKEMA Business School) @ Institut Louis Bachelier, Palais Brongniart, Paris
Congratulations to CREST researchers winning five ANR Grants!
Crest and Genes researchers contribute to selected ANR 2021 projects: – Medialex with Etienne Ollion proposes to develop original numerical methods, combining so
Chercheurs ayant rejoint le réseau Louis Bachelier Fellows en 2021
Nous félicitons les membres du Crest qui viennent de rejoindre le réseau Louis Bachelier Fellows. Par ordre alphabétique, les membres du Crest de la section College Academic Fellows: