19 CREST Papers selected for the 2024 NeurIPS Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems
In December 2024, CREST researchers and PhD students, will present their last papers during the 2024 NeurIPS conference that will be held in Vancouver, Canada.
CRESTive Minds - Épisode 3 - Anna Korba
Researcher portrait: Anna Korba, assistant professor at CREST-ENSAE Paris. What is your career path? I pursued a three-year program in Math/Data Scie
Advances in Bayesian Computation: A Masterclass on State-Space Models and Sequential Monte Carlo Algorithms by Professor Nicolas Chopin
Nicolas Chopin, Professor in Data Sciences / Statistics / Machine Learning Nicolas
Podcast - Learning Bayesian Statistics
Episode #82, Nicolas Chopin: “Sequential Monte Carlo & Bayesian Computation Algorithms” by Alexandre ANDORRA – 5th May 2023
Bayes Comp 2023 15-17 March
Nicolas Chopin will give a presentation on March 15 at the third edition of the conference of the Bayesian Computation Section of the International Society for Bayesian Analysis
'On Future Trends and Opportunities for Monte Carlo methods' congress in Warsaw
Nicolas Chopin will participate to the congress ‘On Future Trends and Opportunities for Monte Carlo methods’ which will take place from 07.12.2022 to 09.12.2022 in Warsaw
"An Introduction to Sequential Monte Carlo" win the DeGroot Prize
Nicolas Chopin and Omiros Papaspiliopoulos, the co-authors of the book “An Introduction to Sequential Monte Carlo”, have been awarded the 2021 DeGroot Prize. The DeGroot Prize is
"Nested cubing integration: how to get a O(N{-10}) error when you compute your favourite integral"
Nicolas Chopin will give a presentation at the 5th Kálmán Lecture at the Institut for Mathematik of the Potsdam University on August 30, 2022
Exposé de Nicolas Chopin au colloque "Probabilistic Programming"
Nicolas Chopin au Collège de France le 29 juin. Exposé: “Probabilistic Programming for Sequential Monte Carlo?”
73rd British Mathematical Colloquium at King's College London
Nicolas Chopin is invited to make a presentation in the “Statistics” session.